- Manager£ºJiujun Li
- Mobile£º+86-13903119840
- Phone£º+86-0311-88708888
- Fax£º+86-0311-88709840
- E-mail£º86234885@163.com
- Skype£ºsjz139
- MSN£ºsjz139@hotmail.com
- Postal Code£º050041
- Address£ºYuhua District In
- Shijiazhuang No.68 Road
- side (b plant North)
China Natural Zeolite For Agriculture
¡¡¡¡China Natural Zeolite For Agriculture
¡¡¡¡A. CAFOs
¡¡¡¡a. Environmental Solution
¡¡¡¡China Natural Zeolite helps sustainable farming systems convert waste products into a valuable resource by increasing TKN:P ratios, increasing application rates, minimizing disposal costs, and reducing the reliance on purchased ammonia fertilizer.
¡¡¡¡b. Addressing the Ammonia Problem
¡¡¡¡Used as a feed supplement, Zeolite Oil Purification can improve feed conversion by capturing ammonia in the digestive process while releasing calcium as a pH buffering agent, and facilitating the uptake of minerals and nutrients.
¡¡¡¡Some feed trials have indicated that the introduction of a high clinoptilolite zeolite can improve feed conversion by as much 5%.
¡¡¡¡c. Agricultural Soil Amendments
¡¡¡¡Once saturated with ammonia nitrogen, China Natural Zeolite has been shown to be an effective long-term, slow-release fertilizer when applied to soils and agricultural crops.
¡¡¡¡Furthermore, China Natural Zeolite's ability to absorb and release moisture without expansion of volume makes it exceptionally valuable for agricultural soils, particularly in the regions where water conservation and its efficient use are important.
¡¡¡¡B. Animal Health & Hygiene:
¡¡¡¡Odor and moisture control in pens, stalls and bedding lanes.
¡¡¡¡Reduction of greenhouse gases
¡¡¡¡Nitrogen adsorption and manure improvement
¡¡¡¡Improvement of air quality and reduction of groundwater contamination
¡¡¡¡C. Poultry
¡¡¡¡Increased Manure Application Rates
¡¡¡¡The intensification of farm operations also brings challenges in managing manures and the ever increasing environmental requirements designed for the protection of natural resources. Often, transport distances and crop land availability impose serious constraints on the disposal of manures high in phosphorous and low in nitrogen.