- Manager£ºJiujun Li
- Mobile£º+86-13903119840
- Phone£º+86-0311-88708888
- Fax£º+86-0311-88709840
- E-mail£º86234885@163.com
- Skype£ºsjz139
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- Postal Code£º050041
- Address£ºYuhua District In
- Shijiazhuang No.68 Road
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China Natural Zeolite For Industrial

¡¡China Natural Zeolite For Industrial
¡¡¡¡A.Radioactive Cleanup :
¡¡¡¡China Natural zeolites can be used as ion exchangers for removal of radioactive cations such as Cs+ and Sr2+ and heavy metal cations such as Cu2+, Cd2+, Zn2+, Ni2+ and Pb2+.
¡¡¡¡Radioactive Cs+ and Sr2+ may be present in recycling waters of atomic power stations or as environmental contaminants after accidents at atomic power stations.
¡¡¡¡B. Nuclear pollution:
¡¡¡¡At the Hanford Nuclear Facility in Richland, Washington, radioactive strontium-90 and cesium-137 have been removed from radioactive waste solutions by passing them through tanks packed with the natural zeolite. After the accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant, zeolites were used to adsorb radioactive ions
¡¡¡¡More than 500,000 tons of zeolite was dumped via helicopter at Chernobyl to absorb radioactive chemicals and other harmful toxins that were released during the disaster. Sandbags of Zeolite were dropped into the seawater near the Fukushima nuclear plant to adsorb radioactive Cesium that was present there in high levels.
¡¡¡¡C. Wastewater & Sewage Treatment:
¡¡¡¡Many industries such as mining, refining, plating, and metals processing are challenged with managing the integrity of process materials and process waste.
¡¡¡¡Because of their ion-exchange properties, adsorption capabilities, mechanical, chemical and thermal resistance and surface charge density, Zeolite Oil Purification can be an effective reatment for the capture of deleterious materials in wastewater and in industrial treament processes.
E-mail: baidukuangchan@163.com
MSN: feijinshukuangchan@hotmail.com
Website: http://china-mineral.net